
Physical Education

Grade 9

Physical Education / Health 10F (PE10F - 1 credit)

The grade 9 Physical Education and Health curriculum is delivered via a block system, which divides the term into 2-week activity sessions. Students attend Phys Ed every day through one semester. The program is based on achieving learning outcomes in the Physical Education and Health curriculum. Students are provided with a balanced program to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for physically active and healthy lifestyles. 

Learning Outcomes include: 

  • Movement 
  • Fitness Management 
  • Safety 
  • Personal and Social Management 
  • Healthy Lifestyle Practices

The students will work towards mastering the Learning Outcomes through a variety of activities which may include: 

Individual/group/team activities: badminton, aerobics, basketball, touch football, soccer, softball, low organized games, table tennis, team handball, tennis, volleyball, weight training, winter activities, rugby, fitness, and dance. 

Classroom based activities: healthy lifestyle practices, healthy relationships, substance use and abuse, nutrition, eating disorders, body image, stress management, human sexuality, and mental health. 

Integrated topics: teamwork, fair play and sport etiquette and personal fitness. 

Students are required to bring appropriate physical education attire (runners, sweats or shorts, and a T-shirt) and are expected to fully participate in all activities. Students are required to pay some fees associated with some activities (i.e., bowling, etc.).

Grade 10

Physical Education 20F (PE20F - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Grade 9 Physical Education 

The grade 10 Physical Education and Health curriculum is delivered via a block system, which divides the term into 2-week activity sessions. Students attend Phys Ed every day through one semester. The program is based on achieving learning outcomes in the Physical Education and Health curriculum. Students are provided with a balanced program to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for physically active and healthy lifestyles. 

Learning Outcomes include: 

  • Movement 
  • Fitness Management 
  • Safety 
  • Personal and Social Management 
  • Healthy Lifestyle Practices

The students will work towards mastering the Learning Outcomes through a variety of activities which may include: 

Individual/group/team activities: badminton, aerobics, basketball, touch football, soccer, softball, low organized games, table tennis, team handball, tennis, volleyball, weight training, winter activities, rugby, fitness and dance. 

Classroom based activities: healthy lifestyle practices, healthy relationships, substance use and abuse, nutrition, eating disorders, body image, stress management, human sexuality and mental health. 

Integrated topics: teamwork, fair play and sport etiquette and personal fitness. 

Students are required to bring appropriate physical education attire (runners, sweats or shorts, and a T-shirt) and are expected to fully participate in all activities. Students are required to pay some fees associated with some activities (i.e. bowling, etc.).

Grade 11

Physical Education / Health 30F: Active Healthy Lifestyles (PE30F - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Grade 10 Physical Education 

This course is designed to help youth take greater ownership of his/her physical fitness. A goal is to encourage students to seek out activities of interest, and to develop active lifestyles. The grade 11 course will be delivered via an activity block system which divides the term into 2-week sessions. Students will also need to complete one Personal Choice activity organized by the Physical Education staff outside their regular class period. Students will participate in a wide variety of activities that will enhance their ability to make informed choices in regards to their overall personal wellness. Personal Choice Activities may be subject to a participation fee and may include options such as: Body Blast, Circuit Training, Rock Climbing, Golf, Scuba Diving, Disc Golf, and Downhill Skiing.

Student Learning Outcomes include: 

  • Movement 
  • Fitness Management 
  • Safety 
  • Personal and Social Management 
  • Healthy Lifestyle Practices 

The students will work towards the learning outcomes through a variety of activities which might include:

Individual/group/team activities: aerobics, badminton, bowling, curling, dance, low organized games, martial arts, palates, racquetball, resistance training, rugby, softball, soccer, squash, table tennis, team handball, tennis and touch football.

Classroom based activities: personal fitness management, mental health, substance use and abuse prevention, human anatomy, CPR and first aid.

Integrated topics: teamwork, fair play and social impact of sport.

Students are required to bring appropriate physical education attire (runners, sweats or shorts and a t-shirt) and are expected to participate in all activities. Students will be required to pay fees for some activities.

Prerequisite: Grade 10 Physical Education

This course is designed to help youth take greater ownership of his/her physical fitness. A goal is to encourage students to seek out activities of interest, and to develop active lifestyles. The grade 12 community-based course will be organized and delivered 50% by the physical education staff at Dakota Collegiate while the remaining 50% will be the responsibility of the student on their personal time. Students will be required to develop and implement a 55-hour personal physical activity plan. The course is intended to allow students the opportunity to learn about how to program a proper fitness plan for themselves, including advanced topics around Strength and Conditioning, exercise selection, and program design. As part of their physical activity practicum students will be required to submit a personal fitness portfolio or activity log, participate in regular personal fitness evaluations and attend regular meetings with their teacher. The compulsory core curriculum (mental health, social and emotional health, nutrition and sexual health) will be delivered by the teacher. 

NOTE: Parents/Guardians will be required to review the student's physical activity plan and sign a Parent Declaration and Consent Form acknowledging their approval and accepting responsibility for risk management, safety, supervision and verification of the physical activity log.

Criteria for Completion: 

  • a personal activity plan which meets the guidelines set out by Manitoba Department of Education, as well as specific programming outlines by the teacher.
  • participation in 55 hours of moderate to intense physical activity which is to be documented in the student logbook
  • complete personal fitness evaluations (2 sessions) 
  • regular attendance at scheduled meetings with teacher 
  • completion of all assignment in the core curriculum

Women's Wellness and Fitness Physical Education 30FF (PE30FF - 1 credit) $100

Prerequisite: Grade 10 Physical Education 

This course will focus on topics, issues and concerns relevant to young women's lives relating to personal health, wellness and fitness. Students will take part in a wide variety of activities that will help them take greater ownership of their personal physical fitness development, encourage the discovery of new physical activities suited to their personal interests and promote an active, healthy lifestyle and overall personal wellness. This course has fees which are required to cover the costs of facilities and guest instructors. ($100.00) 

The students will work towards the learning outcomes through a variety of activities which might include: 

Personal Fitness Management: hot yoga, Zumba, Spin class, boxing, tai chi, body blast, belly dancing, hip hop, CrossFit, pilates, circuit training, HITT workouts, resistance training, power walking, low organized games, and many more.

Lifetime Activities:  self-defense, outdoor cross training, racquet sports, wall climbing, badminton, power walking, summer activities, and many more.

Classroom Activities: mental health, substance use and abuse, personal and social development, CPR/First Aid, body image, Social Media awareness.

Sport Academy Physical Education - Active Healthy Lifestyles (20F/30F/40F - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Grade 9/10/11 Physical Education 

Dakota Collegiate offers 6 specialized Sport Academy courses within the Physical Education Program. These courses meet the Physical Education course requirement in grade 10, 11 and 12. Each course will be open to students who wish to take an extensive course of study in skill acquisition in one of the following areas: Basketball, Dance, Football, Hockey, Soccer and Volleyball. 

The Academy courses are ideal for students who wish to pursue and develop his/her personal potential and knowledge of a preferred sport or activity. Each course may require students to participate in activities outside of regular school hours and will have fees attached to cover costs of facilities, equipment, field trips and guest instructors. 

The fees are as follows: Volleyball $40.00, Basketball $40.00, Dance $100.00, Hockey $350.00, Football $40.00 and Soccer $40.00. Fees are due to the teacher on the first day of class. 

A) The sport specific courses follow the following outline:

(Basketball, Football, Hockey, Soccer and Volleyball) 

  • advanced technical and tactical instruction 
  • personal fitness management as it relates to each specific sport 
  • related theory in areas of nutrition, sport psychology, prevention and care of injuries, coaching certification, human anatomy and officiating 
  • core curriculum of the general physical education programs (mental health, substance use and abuse prevention, human anatomy) 

B) The Dance course will follow the following outline: 

  • instruction in jazz, ballet, folk, belly, Irish, ballroom, modern, hip hop 
  • personal fitness management through dance 
  • related theory in areas of nutrition and prevention and care of injuries 
  • core curriculum of the general physical education programs (mental health, substance use and abuse prevention, human anatomy) 

Outdoor Education / Alternate Pursuits (OE20F/OE30F/OE40F - 1 credit) $170

Prerequisite: Grade 10/11 Physical Education 

The emphasis of this course will be on planning for safe and enjoyable participation in popular outdoor recreational pursuits. The Outdoor Education program activities are scheduled outside regular school hours, some lunch hours, mostly after school/night and 1 overnight activity. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from all activities. Students will also cover the grade appropriate health topics. Students must complete in 55 hours of activity. All activities will be planned well in advance to help students who are in sports or have a job and need to ask for time off. The fees for the Outdoor Education program will be $170.00 plus the cost of the overnight trip.

 Semester 1

  • Winter Activities (1-day downhill ski trip, snowshoeing, x-country skiing, ice fishing, quinzee building, ice climbing) 
  • 3-day hiking trip (menu planning/nutrition, wilderness survival, personal fitness development, campfire games, edible plants)
  • Alternate Pursuits (ice wall climbing, rock climbing, golf, lawn bowling, skating, broomball)
  • Camp Assiniboia (high ropes course, orienteering, group dynamics and leadership development, archery) 
  • Summer activities (ultimate, flag football, soccer, tennis, disc golf) 
  • Team Building and leadership
  • Survival skills and back country First aid

Semester 2  

  • Orienteering and geocaching 
  • Winter Activities (shelter building, curling, ice wall climbing, 2-day downhill ski trip, ice climbing) 
  • 3-day Canoe Trip (water safety, menu planning/nutrition, first aid/survival kits, knot tying)
  • Alternate Pursuits (equestrian, disc golf, X country skiing, skating, shore fishing, archery, lawn bowling) 
  • Camp Assiniboia (zip line, group dynamics leadership/initiative tasks) 
  • Team building and Leadership
  • Survival skills and back country First aid

Grade 12

Physical Education / Health 40F: Active Healthy Lifestyles (School-Based) (PE40FS - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Grade 11 Physical Education 

This full credit course is designed to help students take greater ownership of their physical fitness development, encourage the discovery of physical activities suited to their personal interests, and promote an active, healthy lifestyle. The grade 12 course will be delivered via an activity block system which divides the term into 2-week activity sessions. Students will participate in a wide variety of activities that will enhance their ability to make informed choices in regards to their overall personal wellness. Students are required to participate in 10 hours of Personal Choice activities organized by the Physical Education staff outside the normal school day. Personal Choice Activities may be subject to a participation fee and could include activities such as: Body Blast, Circuit Training, Rock Climbing, Golf, Scuba Diving, Skiing.

Student Learning Outcomes include: 

  • Movement 
  • Fitness Management 
  • Safety 
  • Personal and Social Management 
  • Healthy Lifestyle Practices 

The students will work towards the learning outcomes through a variety of activities which might include: 

Individual/group/team activities: alternate pursuits, aerobics, badminton, bowling, curling, dance, golf, low organized games, martial arts, palates, racquetball, resistance training, rugby, softball, soccer, squash, table tennis, team handball, tennis and touch football.

Classroom activities: personal fitness management, mental health, social and emotional health, sexual health, nutrition.

Integrated topics: teamwork, fair play and personal fitness.

Students are required to bring appropriate physical education attire (runners, sweats or shorts and a t-shirt) and are expected to participate in all activities. Students will be required to pay fees for some activities.

Physical Education / Health 40F: Active Healthy Lifestyles (Community-Based) (PE40FC - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Grade 11 Physical Education

This course is designed to help youth take greater ownership of his/her physical fitness. A goal is to encourage students to seek out activities of interest, and to develop active lifestyles. The grade 12 community-based course will be organized and delivered 50% by the physical education staff at Dakota Collegiate while the remaining 50% will be the responsibility of the student on their personal time. Students will be required to develop and implement a 55-hour personal physical activity plan. The course is intended to allow students the opportunity to learn about how to program a proper fitness plan for themselves, including advanced topics around Strength and Conditioning, exercise selection, and program design. As part of their physical activity practicum students will be required to submit a personal fitness portfolio or activity log, participate in regular personal fitness evaluations and attend regular meetings with their teacher. The compulsory core curriculum (mental health, social and emotional health, nutrition and sexual health) will be delivered by the teacher. 

NOTE: Parents/Guardians will be required to review the student's physical activity plan and sign a Parent Declaration and Consent Form acknowledging their approval and accepting responsibility for risk management, safety, supervision and verification of the physical activity log.

Criteria for Completion: 

  • a personal activity plan which meets the guidelines set out by Manitoba Department of Education, as well as specific programming outlines by the teacher.
  • participation in 55 hours of moderate to intense physical activity which is to be documented in the student logbook
  • complete personal fitness evaluations (2 sessions) 
  • regular attendance at scheduled meetings with teacher 
  • completion of all assignment in the core curriculum

Women's Wellness and Fitness Physical Education 40FF (PE40FF - 1 credit) $100

Prerequisite: Grade 11 Physical Education 

This course will focus on topics, issues and concerns relevant to young women's lives relating to personal health, wellness and fitness. The course will accommodate and reflect the interests of the class while introducing new exciting topics in the areas of health, wellness and fitness. Students will take part in a wide variety of activities that will help them take greater ownership of their personal physical fitness development, encourage the discovery of new physical activities suited to their personal interests and promote an active, healthy lifestyle and overall personal wellness.  This course has fees which are required to cover the costs of facilities and guest instructors. ($100.00) 

The students will work towards the learning outcomes through a variety of activities which might include:  

Personal Fitness Management: hot yoga, step aerobics, Zumba, Pilates, cycle fitness (spin), cross training, Hip Hop, Self Defense, CrossFit, Boxing, resistance training, HITT workouts and many more.

Lifetime Activities: wall climbing, racquet sports, Archery, beach volleyball, low organized games, alternate pursuits, fencing, community facility awareness, and many more. 

Classroom Activities: Nutrition, personal and social development, Personal Health Awareness, & healthy relationships.

Principles and Application of Human Performance 30F/40F (PAHP30F, PAHP40F) $40

Prerequisite: Grade 9/10/11 Physical Education 

In this theory and practical course, students develop understanding of important theories, concepts, and scientific principles of human performance, and their application to both athletic performance and general fitness. Students develop advanced movement skills with proper technique, and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for improved physical performance and an active, healthy lifestyle. Focus includes consistent 2-4 days per week physical training in all variables of fitness (strength, endurance, conditioning, explosive power such as Olympic Weightlifting, plyometrics, balance, etc.), and classroom theory regarding training principles consistent with the latest research in kinesiology and nutrition. Cost for the course is $40.